3rd-5th Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade at OHDS is a full and exciting year. Students use their many skills to more deeply explore scientific and historical information, solve complex problems and take significant steps towards analyzing and interpreting challenging texts in both Hebrew and English. Developmentally, third graders benefit from teacher-guidance and support as they navigate the natural ups and downs of peer relationships, a challenging, but important stage in young people’s lives. As they begin to build their sense of personal identity, third graders delight in the myriad opportunities to express their unique ideas, perspectives and creativity.
4th Grade
4th Grade at OHDS is a year of engaging immersion in the learning process. In both general and Judaic studies students explore multiple historical perspectives, build strong content knowledge and deepen their critical thinking skills in all areas. Students engage in research, in-depth reading and discussion, historical simulations, and hands-on learning across subjects. Fourth graders are developmentally at the “cusp” between childhood and adolescence and they thrive with the many opportunities for building self-understanding and participating in games and discussions that build a sense of empathy and responsibility for others. A beloved highlight of the year is the annual fourth grade Gold Rush overnight trip giving students a chance to connect as a community, build relationships with students from other Jewish day schools and step back in time as the history they have learned comes to life!
5th Grade
5th Grade at OHDS gives students the chance to prepare for the rigors and independence of middle school. Within the familiar environment of the fifth grade classroom, students are guided to strengthen their critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration skills by a team of teachers with content area expertise in their respective subjects. As the oldest elementary class, Fifth grade students are supported to develop their leadership skills, often engaging in group work, public presentations, and involvement in organization of school-wide events. Fifth grade is a year to remember!