3rd Grade In Depth

3rd Grade General Studies
In general studies third graders move past the basics with the primary focus shifting to the application of skills in the acquisition and communication of knowledge. From reading and writing to math, science and social studies, students encounter increasingly complex problems, complex texts and complex writing assignments. As they engage with this increasing complexity, students benefit from instruction that helps them organize their ideas, structure their problem-solving strategies and learn from feedback to make improvements as they work. Students’ natural curiosity is nurtured through exposure to thought-provoking literature, hands-on math exploration and many opportunities to research and present what they learn!
3rd Grade Judaic Studies
In Judaic studies third graders move past the basics with the primary focus shifting to the application of skills in the acquisition and communication of what they learn. From reading and writing in Hebrew, to daily prayer and Torah study, to exploration of Jewish holidays and traditions, third graders apply their increasing Hebrew fluency and their critical thinking skills to deepen all aspects of their Jewish learning. Instruction is almost exclusively in Hebrew for all Jewish subjects and students are encouraged and supported to participate in discussions and share their written ideas in Hebrew. Text study, partner work and in-depth discussions are enriched through teacher-led songs, games, stories, computer work and arts integration, giving third graders a wide variety of access points for learning and engagement.